The Moon trail ring serves as a beacon of Magick!
It's aura travels and connects you to find your soul tribe, your soulmates, to allow you to find unity and acceptance, wherever in the world they may be.
The trail will keep you connected to those that are far away, as each full moon you will be brought together, the trail will be shining your light so you can be seen.
The Moon trail will help you to shine, dismantling fears and old patterns that are holding you back! It is now time to set forth on your true path and let the ways you’ve been conditioned to accept, fall away, and bring your own Magick to life!
No more holding back for fear of judgment, it is time for that to change.
Moonstone holds no fear, it will keep a shining orb of protection around you, and keep your vibration so high that you will repel what isn’t serving your soul, with ease and grace and beauty!
Available in Solid 9ct Yellow Gold, 9ct White Gold, 9ct Rose Gold and Sterling Silver
Free Resizing Upon Request!